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President, CA greet countrymen on eve of Eid-e-Miladunnabi

President Mohammed Shahabuddin and Chief Adviser to the interim government Prof Muhammad Yunus issued separate messages greeting the people of Bangladesh and the Muslims across the world on the eve Eid-e-Miladunnabi.
The holy Eid-e-Miladunnabi, marking the day of the birth and passing away of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), will be observed across Bangladesh tomorrow with due religious solemnity. The day is a public holiday.
On this day in 570, the 12th of Rabiul Awal of the Hijri calendar, Muhammad (PBUH) was born in Makkah with divine blessings and messages of peace for mankind. He also passed away on the same day.
In his message, President Mohammed Shahabuddin said the holy Eid-e-Miladunnabi is a sacred and glorious day for the Muslims of the whole world.
Chief Adviser Prof Yunus in his message, said Allah had sent Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) as “Rahmatullil Alamin” for peace, emancipation, progress and overall welfare of the whole world.
The CA said peace, justice, and welfare of the world can be ensured only through following the unique lifestyle of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), his universal teachings, and Sunnah in today’s conflict-ridden world.
Marking the day, Bangladesh Television (BTV) and Bangladesh Betar will broadcast special programmes, and different national dailies will publish supplements highlighting the importance of the day.
